
Discussion in 'DOOMSDAY' started by Wheat1328, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Wheat1328

    Wheat1328 Ultimate Survivor Moderator





    Clones Saved

    Add your own Clone Counts into the Clone Saving Spreadsheet >>HERE<<


    Note: This is just a simple "Survive with one try" playthrough to show off this level here in the Badlands Forum.
  2. Wheat1328

    Wheat1328 Ultimate Survivor Moderator

    Agh! So close to perfect. :lol:

    This level is probably the easiest of the bunch, I'm sure a lot of use will get 81 here.
  3. Wheat1328

    Wheat1328 Ultimate Survivor Moderator

    I see you made it to 81 <|-|!<0

    Nice Job!!

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